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Health & Physical Education Libguide: Health and Lifestyle




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The following PREMIUM DIGITAL RESOURCES may be useful for research in this subject . However they are password protected and when you click on any of the icons below you will be re-directed to a page that requires authentication.

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Gale Virtual Reference Library


The library has a comprehensive collection of resources on health and well-being and they can be accessed in a variety of ways.



You can browse for books on a variety of health topics in the Non-fiction Collection.  See the box on the right for the corresponding Dewey number for each of the different disciplines. Alternatively, you can use Oliver to search for information on your topic.


The Gale Virtual Reference Library is a huge Collection of e-books and you can type your topic into the search box or browse the medicine collection (scroll down menu on the left). and select the most appropriate titles.

Consumer Health Complete provides content covering all key areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.

Health Reference Center includes comprehensive, in-depth coverage of body systems, current health issues, major diseases and conditions, treatments, and procedures, as well as health and nutrition information

ANZRC  is an ebsco database that provides full text of articles published in newspapers and journals worldwide.

JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.


Naturally, you can Google information on your topic  however it is worth your time to go to Weblinks K-12 and search for your topic. Weblinks is a database of websites that have been chosen with the Australian National Curriculum in mind and targeted at secondary and primary school aged students.



All good research must include a bibliography and appropriate referencing. The ORG (Online Reference Generator) will help you create references in the correct format. Go to the Cite Libguide  to access more information about referencing. 

The Campion Library has a comprehensive collection of books on health issues that can be found using Oliver or you can shelf browse in different sections of the Non-fiction Collection.

360 Social problems & services
361 Social problems & social welfare in general
362 Social welfare problems & services
362.1 Physical illness
362.2 Mental and emotional illnesses and disturbances
362.7 Problems and services to young people


610 Medicine & health
611 Human anatomy, cytology & histology
612 Human physiology
613 Personal health & safety
614 Incidence & prevention of disease
615 Pharmacology & therapeutics
616 Diseases
617 Surgery & related medical specialties
618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics & geriatrics