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earth resources libguide


Before starting your research, it is good practice to think about and create a list of  keywords that you can use to search for information on your topic.  Google is very intuitive however databases  usually require a search string. Here are a few tips to help you.

  • Words are sometimes spelled differently, for example, colonization is sometimes written as colonisation.
  • Many search engines and databases use Boolean logic to construct a search term. The asterisk is known as a wild card. The use of AND, OR and NOT can also be helpful.
  • Sometimes it is useful to use other words that mean similar or the same thing (synonyms)
  • Use quotation marks when you are searching for a phrase.
  • Using keywords that relate to the topic will focus the search

Suggestions for this topic:

"green cement"

"artificial intelligence" and recycling


ScienceDaily features breaking news about the latest discoveries in science, health, the environment, technology, and more -- from leading universities, scientific journals, and research organizations.


TreeHugger is a media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. It aims to be be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information. 


Goodnet shares content to engage good doers with the many wonderful ventures on the web. In turn, you can pass it on, raise public awareness and get involved.



The Referencing Libguide has resources on how to cite/reference sources in research.

The  Online Reference Generator allows you to create citations and bibliographies using the Harvard Referencing Style for a comprehensive list of resources.


MyBib is a free online service that allows users to generate citations and bibliographies. You can paste in a DOI, ISBN or URL and have the fields populate automatically. However it does not always provide the correct reference so you must check that all possible parts of the reference have been included.

Research is a process with many steps, and is rarely linear. A good researcher uses multiple sources and continually goes back and reviews their question and keeps  adding new vocabulary and  learning to their search. This Libguide has been created to provide support for your research task.



The following PREMIUM DIGITAL RESOURCES may be useful for research in this subject . However they are password protected and when you click on any of the icons below you will be re-directed to a page that requires authentication.

A text box will appear and you need to click  libAuth - Saint Ignatius' College and enter you network log in details


Encyclopedias can be a good starting point to gather accurate facts on your country. Try looking for information about your topic in the WorldBook

The Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of e-books that you can browse by collection or do a keyword search.  This resources is good for background information.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Weblinks K-12  is a database of websites that have been chosen with the Australian National Curriculum in mind and targeted at secondary and primary school aged students and will retrieve a small selection of relevant websites on your topic.

ANZRC, Science Reference Centre and Green File are all ebsco databses and you will find the most up to date articles on your topic.





There are two methods for accessing the comprehensive collection of  books on earth resources in  the library. Sometimes browsing is an option. You can browse for books on in the Environmental  section of the Non-fiction Collection. See the box below for the corresponding Dewey number for books on specific areas.

A much more effective method would be to use Oliver as sometimes works about your topic could be found in different sections of the library. 


300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
307.1 Planning and development
333.7 Natural Resources and energy
333.9 Energy resources (biomass)
338.9 Sustainable development
363.7 Environmental problems

621 Applied Physics
621.47 Solar-energy engineering
629.2 Motor vehicles


Issues in Society is series that  targets a specific social issue and comprises a thoroughly researched compilation of the latest news, facts, statistics and commentary from trusted sources. All the volumes are kept together with the journals on the shelves in the Blue Research Area of the library.
