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Migrants and Refugees: Home

What does it mean to be a refugee?



The following PREMIUM DIGITAL RESOURCES may be useful for research on this subject. However, they are password protected and when you click on any of the icons below you will be re-directed to a page that requires authentication.





You can use Oliver to find books in the library however sometimes it is helpful to know the Dewey numbers for a subject. In doing so you will be able to find  books on that subject in most libraries. It will also be useful at those times when you know the topic but don't know where to start looking.
Note that resources about specific events will be located within the Dewey division for the country where the event took place.

304.8 Movement of People
325 International Migration and Colonization
337 International Economics
909 World History
937 Ancient Rome
944 France
994.04 Australian History 20th Century



Before starting your research, it is good practice to think about and create a list of  keywords that you can use to search for information on your topic.  Google is very intuitive however databases  usually require a search string. Here are a few tips to help you.

  • Words are sometimes spelled differently, for example, colonization is sometimes written as colonisation.
  • Many search engines and databases use Boolean logic to construct a search term. The asterisk is known as a wild card. The use of AND, OR and NOT can also be helpful.
  • Sometimes it is useful to use other words that mean similar or the same thing (synonyms)
  • Use quotation marks when you are searching for a phrase.
  • Using keywords that relate to the topic will focus the search

Suggestions for this topic:

colonialism and "country"

(colonization OR colonisation) AND "country"

(colonialism OR colonization) AND "country"