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Ignatian Spiritual Care: Mass & Liturgy


In one minute: Pope's Urbi et orbi for an end to the coronavirus pandemic

In one minute: Pope's Urbi et orbi for an end to the coronavirus pandemic

Mass on Demand St Francis Xavier Cathedral

As Churches continue to be closed and public Masses prohibited, the Archdiocese of Adelaide is providing a weekly live stream Mass each Sunday to support the faithful during this time. If you want to view this video at school, the filters require that you login to Google.

Liturgy Resources

During this time resulting from the COVID-19 when Sunday Masses are not occurring, you are invited to gather as a family for communal prayer each Sunday based on the Liturgy of the Word for that day.

Readings at Mass

For each day and the week ahead. As used in the UK: Jerusalem Bible and Grail psalms.

Liturgy of the Hours

The prayer of the universal Church, seven times a day.