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Ignatian Spiritual Care: Prayer & Spirituality


Social Justice Prayer

You created a world of beauty and plenty for us all to share,
You gave us responsibility for this earth,
Rich in life and variety.

Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,
Sacrificing some of our freedom and self-interest
For the sake of the common good.

Enlighten and strengthen us so that we may challenge
the social and economic systems that create and sustain poverty

We thank you for those who have gone before us, in a Spirit of love,
with passion and sacrifice to work towards global social justice.
We thank those who currently work tirelessly within all our ministries
to bring about reconciliation with God, humanity and creation.

Continue to show us the paths that lead
to mutual assistance among peoples,
to a deepening of human knowledge,
to an enlargement of heart,
and to a more human way of living within society.


May we carry forward the work of Christ
Under the lead of the befriending Spirit.
We make our prayer thought Christ, Our Lord.

Saint Ignatius … Pray for Us.

undefined Emmaus Productions is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to providing creative experiential programs, workshops, retreats and events, as well as music and other audiovisual resources.


Resources from Australian Catholic

You may need to login for some of these resources. If you are a teacher or student at Saint Ignatius' College use your school email to register for access

Links to Prayer Resources

Sacred Space is a ministry of the Irish Jesuits

Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, to help you pray whenever you find time.
A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection. you can download the app for your phone or device.
