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History Research Guides: Decolonization






This programme approaches the Third World as a series of areas each with varying degrees and various types of deprivation. It traces the origins og the division of one world into three, referring in passing to the problems inherited from colonialism and from decolonisation.

Research is a process with many steps, and is rarely linear. A good researcher uses multiple sources and continually goes back and reviews their question and keeps  adding new vocabulary and  learning to their search. This Libguide has been created to provide support for your research tasks in this subject.

Before starting your research, it is good practice to think about and create a list of keywords that you can use to search for information on your topic.  Google is very intuitive however databases usually require a search string. Here are a few tips to help you.

Words are sometimes spelled differently, for example,  colonization is sometimes written as colonisation.

Many search engines and databases use Boolean logic to construct a search term. The asterisk is known as a wild card. The use of AND, OR and NOT can also be helpful.

Sometimes it is useful to use other words that mean similar or the same thing (synonyms)  

Use quotation marks when you are searching for a phrase.

Using keywords that relate to the topic will focus the search



coloni*ation  - will look for decolonization and decolonisation

Algeria AND (coloni*ation OR decoloni*ation)

decoloni*ation OR coloni*ation OR imperialism


The following PREMIUM DIGITAL RESOURCES may be useful for research in this subject . However they are password protected and when you click on any of the icons below you will be re-directed to a page that requires authentication.


Gale Virtual Reference Library




You can use Oliver to find books in the library however sometimes it is helpful to know the Dewey numbers for a subject. In doing so you will be able to find  books on that subject in most libraries. It will also be useful at those times when you know the topic but don't know where to start looking.
Note that resources about specific events will be located within the Dewey division for the country where the event took place.

325 International migration & colonization

900 History & geography
910 Geography & travel
920 Biography, genealogy & insignia
930 History of ancient world to ca. 499
940 History of Europe
950 History of Asia; Far East
960 History of Africa
970 History of North America
980 History of South America
990 History of other areas
993 New Zealand
994 Australia
998 Arctic islands & Antarctica
999 Extraterrestrial worlds




The Referencing Libguide has resources on how to cite/reference sources in research.

The  Online Reference Generator allows you to create citations and bibliographies using the Harvard Referencing Style for a comprehensive list of resources.


MyBib is a free online service that allows users to generate citations and bibliographies. You can paste in a DOI, ISBN or URL and have the fields populate automatically. However it does not always provide the correct reference so you must check that all possible parts of the reference have been included.